Little Wild Horse Slot Canyon, Utah

Ron Niebrugge Photos, Travel, Utah 2 Comments

Little Wild Horse Slot Canyon, Utah.

Little Wild Horse Slot Canyon, Utah.

This is one of the easier slot canyons in Utah.  For me, it made far a nice detour while traveling between Capital Reef National Park, and Moab, Utah.  Slot canyons make for great mid day photo subjects as it is usually about the only time the canyons receive light – often wonderful, warm reflected light.

To find this spot, take the road to Goblin Valley State Park (another neat photography location) which is located about half way between Hanksville and I-70 on UT 24.  Follow the signs to Goblin Valley and take a right onto a gravel road just before the entrance to Goblin Valley.  The road is marked with a sign saying “Little Wild Horse Canyon”.  Take this road about 5 miles to a parking lot – if I remember correctly, this parking lot was identified with signage.  From the parking lot walk up the dry wash for about 15 minutes.  Little Wild Horse Canyon is a tributary on the right just past a dry waterfall.  There was a small sign marking the entrance when I was there.  Once in the canyon, you don’t have to walk far before you get to the interesting stuff.  There were a few tight fits and and a little mud, but all in all this is an easy canyon that can be fun to explore. 

As with all slot canyons and desert washes, never go near them when there is any type of threat of rain, even if it is a distant rain – flash floods are a very real danger is this country, and the reason we have the beautiful geographic formations. 

Here is a larger version of the above photo of Little Wild Horse Slot Canyon.  Below, I’m checking out one of the more narrow areas.

Hiking in Little Wild Horse Slot Canyon

Comments 2

  1. Hello:
    I am originally from Colombia, South America. My father, of course,
    was italian…I am an american citizen since February 2002.
    I love my adopted country, the USA.
    Thanks for the information you have. I will be in Utah on August.
    I live in Pueblo, Colorado.
    My God bless you!!

  2. Post

    Hi Luciano,

    Thank you very much for the comment! I’m glad you are enjoying the U.S., sounds like you are making the best of it! Have fun in Utah in August.



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